Saturday, October 17, 2009

Half-way point

This is week 8 of my program of 15 weeks. It's a little bizarre to think that it will all be over in 2 months. Living in Paris has been amazing so far, and I can't wait to continue on all of my travels.

At the same time, I miss my dog. I mean, look at this face (a video from two summers ago that I watch every time I am sad).

Though I haven't posted anything in the last week, I have done some stuff. On Thursday, for example, I went to a CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL. Be jealous. I will wait to post about it until I have some pictures (I need to steal some from my friends because I forgot my camera...)

Last night, I went to the Louvre. It is free on Friday nights for French university students. I only wandered around for about an hour, but it was still fun to be there at night. After, I came back to my neighborhood and found a cafe at which to get hot chocolate with some friends. While we were walking and looking for some place to go, I discovered that there are both a McDonalds and a KFC within walking distance of my apartment. I couldn't find any mac 'n cheese on the menu at the KFC though. I will have to look more closely next time.

Today, after doing some studying, I went to H&M and bought some sweaters. It is getting pretty cold here!

And that has been my life. This is the point in the program where things are getting harder and I have to do actual work. French midterm on Monday, papers due, etc. etc.

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