Thursday, December 17, 2009

Au Revoir!

I interrupt this regularly-scheduled blogging with my farewell to France. (Don't worry, I'll finish posting about everything over the next week or so.) It's 7:15AM here in Paris, I leave for Ireland at 3:35PM. I leave Ireland on the 19th and will be back in Minneapolis by 4:30PM that day.

I just said goodbye to my host mom, who left for work. Even though she made me fish much too often, I will miss her. She was so nice and very patient with my not-always-coherent French.

I will miss my apartment. I will even miss saying an awkward "bonjour" to everyone I encounter in the elevator. I usually prayed they wouldn't say anything else to me, in case I didn't understand (that only happened twice).

I will miss the 13th arrondisement. Even though it wasn't the most convenient place to live, it was more of a real Parisian life than living near tourist areas. I will miss my bakery, where I bought bread a couple times a week, and where they already were reaching for a baguette when I walked in.

The metro system, even though it cost me a lot while I was here, was the most efficient system I have ever used (except past 12AM, when it starts to close). I will miss running for the trains at the Raspail (which Mathilde taught me is pronounced "ross pie") stop. The feeling of success when I made it and didn't have to wait an extra two minutes for the next train was oddly intense.

I will miss my classes, especially when I go back to regular Northwestern courses. Even though the homework kept me inside on days where I should have been out exploring Paris, without the "study" I wouldn't have been "abroad" for so long. I will miss my professors and the comparatively light work load.

Most of all, I will miss my friends, and being in Paris with my friends. Our random walks through Saint-Michel and the Latin Quarter, meeting up in the Marais, and all of our times sitting along the Seine will stay with me as the standard of fun. I loved getting to know people I had never seen before, and some people who, unfortunately, I do not know when I'll see again. I am happy that I found a roommate (if only for winter quarter) who insists that we speak French in our apartment and that we have crepe parties.

I have accomplished many things during my time abroad. For example, I managed not to step in a single pile of dog poo while here. (I gaurantee that this is a big deal.) More importantly though, I learned more French than ever before. I may still stammer when put on the spot, but I at least know that I shouldn't randomly say "D'accord" like I would "OK" in English, that what I've been calling "classe" all these years is really a "course", and that, even if a person speaks English to you, you should just speak French right back at them. I have become more confident in the language, and in myself. I have learned that I can cook a chicken, have an amazing sense of direction, and that maybe I'm not up to dressing like a French girl.

This would all be a lot more sad for me if I didn't miss home so much. The last week, as I've been doing my Christmas shopping, I have been thinking even more about all the people I love back in the States. I miss my big, fluffy dog and can't wait til I climb into the backseat of the car with her when she picks me up at the airport. I miss my family, and being able to call them whenever I want or need to without worrying about time difference and money. I miss my boyfriend, even though we'll soon go back to our colleges in different states. At least we won't have to have frustrating skype conversations where our calls are randomly dropped or frozen. I can't wait to build my customary fort in Katelyn's basement, as we have been doing for at least five years now, eat pizza rolls, and watching Mulan while playing electronic Battleship. I also can't wait to see my friends at Northwestern, who I am excited to catch up with.

The short version: I have had an amazing time here abroad. I have grown a lot (partially because of the carbs) and will never forget the friendships I've made.

Thank you all for following my blog over the past few months. I hope to see all of you soon!

**Remember: I still have stuff to post about, so keep checking back! I will let you know when all of my abroad updates are finished.

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